
mygrain said:
yep yahoo..changed the article from the one earlier today. so if you read this post the post time and after OT said it was a hoax...IM NOT CRAZY!!! :D

Well not about this anyway, eh? :wink: Well that all makes more sense now. I just didn't get LittleMan saying if I find out who did that, when she confessed!
carlita said:
take a look at this one. :playball: :angry1: :puke-rig:

my criminal law professor told me about it the other day.

See...human are freaking EVIL I TELL YOU!!! EAAAVVVVVVIILLLLL!!!!!!! That is so horrible.
errant_star said:
omg ... that turned my stomach and brought tears to my eyes ... I'm right there with you on that one oriecat :cry:

Was actually talking about the link that carlita posted ... it's terrible, oh so terrible.

carlita said:
take a look at this one.
:angry1: :puke-rig:

my criminal law professor told me about it the other day.
carlita said:
take a look at this one. :playball: :angry1: :puke-rig:

my criminal law professor told me about it the other day.

I hope the twisted sick asshole gets a major visit from Sir Karma.... may he reap what he's sewn a thousandfold more....

I hope the lil girl is ok in her life to come...

My b/f has to deal with twisted men , similiar to this guy , at work .... he refuses to tell me about what some of them have done to be put in prison ...Even though he knows that not a lot shocks me in this world , he knows the stories will anger me , make me sick to my guts , and make me cry.... because he knows how this knowledge makes him feel.
I couldnt imagine having to deal with these ppl , bring them meals , walk them to the phone etc etc , knowing what they've done ...without kicking the living crap outta them everyday....
Turns out the story was fake and she never tossed her own baby out the window. She just didn't want it. Even more disturbing is a fact in the story that said that Florida state law allows mothers to abandon unwanted children within 3 days of birth at any fire department.
I think it's smart...otherwise there would be more babies in the gutter or actually throw out windows. Having to HAVE that kind of law is quite disturbing though.

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