Orange Butterfly


TPF Noob!
Jul 22, 2005
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Phoenix, AZ
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This is ever so beautiful!
The background and the colour of this (rare?) butterfly ... breathtaking!

And I must say I have never seen this kind of butterfly before.
But it doesn't look like you had to go to a "butterfly house" for this ... it is resting on a very normal daisy... so do you see these in your parts often?
beautiful !!
Very nice shot there, JTH. Looks like it was sticking its tongue out at you.
Brilliant photography JTH. Love the colours and the angle.
Great shot J, colour and focus are both good :thumbup:
Fantastic capture. Excellent DOF
LaFoto said:
This is ever so beautiful!
The background and the colour of this (rare?) butterfly ... breathtaking!

And I must say I have never seen this kind of butterfly before.
But it doesn't look like you had to go to a "butterfly house" for this ... it is resting on a very normal daisy... so do you see these in your parts often?

Thanks for the wonderful comments everybody.

Corinna, i can't seem to identify this butterfly on the web, so maybe I have discovered a new species! :er: Although, more likely it is in the same family as the butterflies on this page --> It looks very similar to Julia Heliconian or Dryas Julia in the family Nymphalidae.

This was shot in a "butterfly house" which is actually just a small tent in our Desert Botanical Gardens, with misters to keep the humididty level high. I was a little dissappointed because there was only about 8-10 species in there, and mostly just these solid orange butterflies. I was hoping for more, but it was still fun!

To see butterflies in the wild, you can check these out that I posted last October -->
Oh yes, I remember those that you posted back in October, and I so liked who you gave your titles the same colours as each butterfly was.
So this was a species found in a "butterfly house", after all. Well, doesn't make it any less pretty and your photo any less well taken!! :D

And imagine YOU to discover a new species in the "butterfly house" of some botanical gardens! No one else would have found out there, only you! :biggrin:

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