osprey nests with a few youngins


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 8, 2011
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the south
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well maybe im a little late, but these youngins are pretty big already...

Nice shots Matt. They are still small in CT...
Your photoes as always are outstanding, but I really dislike the rebar.
Yeah, I didnt like it as well, i guess the osprey know that man made platforms are more stable then trees usually
Your photoes as always are outstanding, but I really dislike the rebar.

They put those up for the birds. When you take down a pole with a nest on there you have to put up the artificial one.
Yeah, this one was at a state park out in the lake a little ways, so they may have put this one just to have more nests around. But the first one in my photos was because they moved it off a power line. I have a photo of an active power line they just wrapped in insulated padding as to not build another pole

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