Over the River & Through the Woods


TPF Noob!
Apr 6, 2006
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The Mighty Midwest
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cool shots, good tones and the trees look great in the second one :thumbup:
woodsac said:
Nice addition.
I'm not too smart...so I'd follow those paths ;)

thats how you got to the mansion, woodsac...!!

both of these shots are so cool....

*there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road your on...( i hope so..)

led zep..
aprilraven said:
thats how you got to the mansion, woodsac...!!

both of these shots are so cool....

*there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road your on...( i hope so..)

led zep..

Philosophy this early?!? pfft ...

I agree with Randog ... that second shot is killer!
Thanks for the comments. :)
The second one, once I saw the trail, I immediately thought "Dark Side" even though it was bright daylight out!

...I think I've been corrupted by the Dark Side.

the second pic gives me the willies, now thats a creepy path.
WNK said:
Thanks for the comments. :)

...I think I've been corrupted by the Dark Side.


Right on. Glad you have joined us.
Love these two shots. Would be great to just sit there one day , and scare the pants of anybody who walks by. :lol:
Right on. Glad you have joined us.
Love these two shots. Would be great to just sit there one day , and scare the pants of anybody who walks by. :lol:

People like you make people like me scared to walk in woods at night. :pale:

Just kidding. Glad you like them. :lol:
Chiller said:
WNK said:
Thanks for the comments. :)

...I think I've been corrupted by the Dark Side.


Right on. Glad you have joined us.
Love these two shots. Would be great to just sit there one day , and scare the pants of anybody who walks by. :lol:

chiller chiller chiller.....great minds think alike, oh buddy ole pal....:hugs:

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