Pastels and Watercolors (and a few other art media)

I may try something using this. Attracted to the colors coming through the bedroom window/glass door.


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I couldn’t leave it alone. I went with the tree idea and not sure if I like it. I may paint over them. Or add a couple of bird silhouettes.

Maybe set this one aside for now and start something new. Look at it again in a few days.

Once you turn your attention elsewhere, your brain may hit the refresh button on this one.

This isn't bothering me on any level, FWIW. Gorgeous palette and curving lines.
Maybe set this one aside for now and start something new. Look at it again in a few days.

Once you turn your attention elsewhere, your brain may hit the refresh button on this one.

This isn't bothering me on any level, FWIW. Gorgeous palette and curving lines.
Thank you Terri, good advice as always! I set it aside and decided it’s done. Not a wall hanger but a great learning experience and a fun experiment with textured art. Here’s the latest WIP. The texture is a bit off as this started out to be a landscape with a lot of trees but I didn’t like the way it was going so I took it in a different direction. I think I want to do another layer of highlights to add some dimension and maybe lighten up the background to add contrast between the background and the flower. It’s too monochromatic as it is. Advice always welcome.

I love these blues!! I have no issues with a monochromatic painting. Blues seem to go well with that.

Study Picasso's so-called Blue Period. You're capturing his blues.

A couple examples:


Another (The Old Guitarist):


Even if this isn't your style, you can squint your eyes at the color combinations. Blues, grays, whites, and some version of yellow ochre/light browns...a touch of a subtle complementary or split complementary color. Pull out the color wheel! Yum.

Really the main thing I'm noticing is that your petals are a little crowded at the top of your canvas. But you mentioned this started off as a landscape so these things happen.

I love your textures! This whole painting looks really good to me. Sure, a touch of a complementary color, a few highlights around the petals, but this feels close to being done to me.

I think I want to do another layer of highlights to add some dimension and maybe lighten up the background to add contrast between the background and the flower.

Remember if you want that flower to pop, the contrast will be between the highlights and your dark (gorgeous) background. If you add highlights and lighten the background you may end up with the same values. If anything add some of that darker blue around the flower and you may not even need the highlights. Go for midtones with the yellow ochre, maybe.

I know you were just playing around, but I really like this one - can you tell? :lol:
I love these blues!! I have no issues with a monochromatic painting. Blues seem to go well with that.

Study Picasso's so-called Blue Period. You're capturing his blues.

A couple examples:

View attachment 282661

Another (The Old Guitarist):

View attachment 282662

Even if this isn't your style, you can squint your eyes at the color combinations. Blues, grays, whites, and some version of yellow ochre/light browns...a touch of a subtle complementary or split complementary color. Pull out the color wheel! Yum.

Really the main thing I'm noticing is that your petals are a little crowded at the top of your canvas. But you mentioned this started off as a landscape so these things happen.

I love your textures! This whole painting looks really good to me. Sure, a touch of a complementary color, a few highlights around the petals, but this feels close to being done to me.

Remember if you want that flower to pop, the contrast will be between the highlights and your dark (gorgeous) background. If you add highlights and lighten the background you may end up with the same values. If anything add some of that darker blue around the flower and you may not even need the highlights. Go for midtones with the yellow ochre, maybe.

I know you were just playing around, but I really like this one - can you tell? :lol:

Thanks for the detailed advice Terri, I really appreciate it. Good point about the highlights and lightening the bg.
Made some adjustments. I like it much better now but welcome any critique!

Oh, yes. I was thinking a splash of yellow ochre to warm it up a bit; really like the gold in this.

This is gorgeous! Turned out great. The gold is awesome!

Thank you both! I think I’m finally starting to make some progress with getting the acrylics to blend. Now I need to work on layering, getting the light right and loosening up.

Worked on this today. The wonky petal at 3 o’clock is bugging me but I don’t think I’m going to fix it. Most flowers are imperfect after all.

Beautiful purples here. Agreed; no reason to mess with flower petals! They all blend in.

Great work you're doing lately! 👏

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