Payback is a B****

hahaha...ill put it under her horse :lmao:
Ha! My BF works at a sheriff dept too. They're always goofing around like that. Everytime I call him whom ever answers will say something like
"i can't tell if it's your GF or your Wife" (they call me his wife) or this one sounds like Amands (Obviously I'm not an Amanda, lol)

Last thing they did was to tape a big fluffy bunny to a Patrolman's cruiser (it was his last day) and put feminin hygiene products all over it. He had also left it running so they moved it. lol

Wish I could have been there to see.

What are you "on leave" for toofy?:er:
You should have run someone over with the car and wiped the car clean of prints.

That would have been a more suitable payback.

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