photo club response

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No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 8, 2014
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I am going with my old friend to start photoclub in our small town, just got a shoot for ad, what do you think? (it is not edited yet), after your opinion i will have more questions, thank you, Carlos
You guys show up more than the cameras do, with the depth of field and all that black. But you guys look friendly which would make me feel like if I was into cameras and lived where you lived I'd come to your club meeting and see what it was all about.
Concept is good but clipping the heads, unfocussed foreground and no separation from the background can't be fixed by editing.
Take at least a step or two back,get the top of their heads in , shoot at a smaller aperture get the lenses more in focus and put some light on the background for separation.
Love it, start up in my town
I agree the depth of field is way to shallow.

The cameras/lenses in the foreground should be sharply focused and nicely lit since the photo's purpose is to generate interest in a new photography club.

I think the background is fine as it is, but be sure to clone out that corner of the chair back behind your right shoulder (camera left).
right, i will take another shoot tomorrow, but just some explains first;) 1. i have cut head - could not get inch more to step back, wider lens could change dangerously perspective; 2. subject was people, gears were not important, only for geeks, why there are out focus;) 3. i wanted use only 1 flash for exposing elder man and focus on him; thank you for comments and we'll see more tomorrow
This is a good advertisement photo if you're more about people than equipment. The black cap being one with the black background is a slight bit problematic and awkward ... after all this is a "photoclub" and you need some allegiance to good photography. Other than that good job.
of course i am very appreciated and happy your support, i am listening to you will try do it better
The only thing bothersome about the out of focus lenses is that they are in the foreground and I sort of want to glance at those and then go to the faces that are lighter and obviously the main subject. But having that foreground out of focus makes me stop and check that my glasses are on.

However, for an ad it can work out just fine as that lower part could be dropped in with a lower opacity and text added.
1. i have cut head - could not get inch more to step back, wider lens could change dangerously perspective

If the camera is in the same position then using a wider angle lens will increase the field of view but the perspective will be the same. It is only when using a wider lens and moving the camera closer to the subject to maintain the same subject size in the frame that the perspective will change.
well, my friend is not well today, we will meet on the weekend for another shoot, i will think about light on the edge to cut from the backgroud, black on black;)
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