Photo for a town's "Welcome To" road sign.

Trevor Harris

TPF Noob!
Jan 26, 2011
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St. John's
Can others edit my Photos
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Good day all,

So I've done photos for a bunch of different mediums; magazines, film, Christmas cards, etc... But I have yet to come across this one.

There is a town here (1,500 people) that is looking to use one of my photos as a backdrop for their "welcome to *city name*" sign. It is a small town, but the sign will be on a bypass road which accesses upwards of 5 other towns accumulating to around 20,000 people. Further, this bypass road is the main artery to the city. My signature will not be on the sign. The sign will be on the order of 5' by 5'.

So that's the details. Its one sign as of right now. I know the price will be on the order of thousands, but I am having difficulty nailing it down. Just thought I'd run it past you all to see what you might have to say.

Thanks for listening!

That's a gooder! Optimal licensing, given size of image, number of views, etc, ought to be in the order of tens of thousands of dollars, but I don't see that as realistic for a small town in Newfoundland. What I might be inclined to do is parlay it into value. Many small towns put out business directories, and tourism directories. Nice 1/4 pages ads in those ought to be worth a bit...
Very cool, congrats!
I'd look at billboard pricing, something around $10-$15k perhaps? Again if its not in the towns budget perhaps some alternate arrangement could be made.
That's a gooder! Optimal licensing, given size of image, number of views, etc, ought to be in the order of tens of thousands of dollars, but I don't see that as realistic for a small town in Newfoundland. What I might be inclined to do is parlay it into value. Many small towns put out business directories, and tourism directories. Nice 1/4 pages ads in those ought to be worth a bit...

Tens of thousands? Lol, back to reality. A few hundred and some trade for the advertising.

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