Photo speed


TPF Noob!
Aug 31, 2006
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I have a slight problem with my digital camera, it can take quite a bit of time between pictures. What I am saying is when I take one photo it can take some time before I am able to take another. I am using a photosmart R927 from HP. In between takes it gives me a processing message. Could someone give me an idea as to what my problem might be?
I don't think it's a problem with the camera. I think it probably does not have a large or fast buffer. It has to take time to write the image to the storage card.
My camera does the same thing. I really sucks sometimes because I miss so many good shots because of the "waiting" time. I too use a digital camera.
If your using a compact it's a common problem, you could always buy a faster memory card, so the data will write quicker thus freeing your buffer
The limitation is most likely in the camera and not the card, so increasing the speed of the card might not make a difference.

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