photography pet peaves

Jus7 A Phas3

TPF Noob!
Sep 26, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
What are they? Mine are when people stand in the way of me trying to take a picture and skateres telling me what do and they get mad at when i dont get a good picture them when its their fault. What are yours?
this could get a little feisty but I will share mine

I have a couple.
1) I have two kids and never have time away from them so I have to work my photography in or wait until I have help. I have noticed other moms at places like the zoo, also hobbyist photographers totally ignoring their kids for the "shot". Once a woman was taking photos of a sea lion show and instead of watching her children, she pushed her son over to where we were, he got in front of my daughter and kept kicking her. She was in a stroller, only 1 year old. I had to ask his father and mother 3 times to please keep him from climbing in front of her and kicking her. It did serve to remind me that when I am in places for them, to forget the photography unless it is of them enjoying themselves.

2) is petty. I just hate it when I have set up a shot and people with the dinky p*s cameras step in front and start firing off their little flashes ruining my photo or making me wait. Esp. when I know their photo isn't going to turn out
Jeez thats some mean parents,
The turm.. " Photog" :puke-rig:
"No Photography Allowed"
anyone in a car that says "patrol" on the side or has amber lights not red and blue.

seriously do you think im going to listen to you, just stay in bed...
I go out of my way to respect ANY person holding a camera up to take the shot, but it burns me when someone walks in front of me without caring even after they SEE ME.

I thank them for the courtesy and try agian.

I once "thanked" a miss prissy 3 times before her husband physically pulled her aside, apologized to me and told her to stop being a *****... lol.

I sincerely thanked him for his courtesy and smiled, but made no more of it than that. I took my shot quickly and moved on.
Oh, this is a prime one for me. I just love it when someone comes up to me, comments on my equipment, and then has the nerve to say "It must be nice to have that kind of money to throw around"....:confused:

I've been into photography for almost 22 years now, and it has taken a long time to work my way up to what I have. I started off with a Minolta X370 and some crap lenses in high school (oops, just gave my age), and upgraded when possible.

I now have a very good job, and can enjoy a few finer things, but I'm no Bill Gates by any means. Just want to smack some people....
My pet peeve - places where I'm not allowed to take my camera or not allowed to defend myself.
How about silly photo lab workers who apparently don't know what exactly they do, Battou??? I thought they were among your personal photography peeves! They sure belong to mine! When they eat their sandwiches and handle film all at the same time................................... :roll:
How about silly photo lab workers who apparently don't know what exactly they do, Battou??? I thought they were among your personal photography peeves! They sure belong to mine! When they eat their sandwiches and handle film all at the same time................................... :roll:

Yes they are one of the higest ranking peeves of mine, but the power lines top the cake because I can threaten them all I like and they won't do a thing. :lmao:

I take it you had a bad experiance reasently?
Expanding on LaFoto's: People who are not qualified. That is to develop film, print digital prints, or even sell cameras. How about those people who tell you flat out that some gear isn't compatible with your gear even though you know it is.
Well, not really that bad, Battou, as I made it sound, and the "eat their sandwiches while they handle my film" thing is actually something my sister once said, only did I put a fat cross on the cheapest, smallest prints to be had when I had my latest film developed (just so I could only see what I had got, could always order larger sizes on better paper later), and then they used the one-size bigger paper size, on their premium paper, printed all 36 photos, but declared the container had been damaged and most suffered from light leakage. But I had to pay for all the bad ones, too, and the high price. Grrr. (I could have returned the pics, waited for another week, and get back my cheap ones, but ... what the hxxx - but what annoys me is that they actually RELY on this, their customer's, reaction...)

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