Please help edit my niece


TPF Noob!
Jun 17, 2013
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hello all, this is my niece enjoying her corn. Im sad to say due to a military relocation of the family (out of the country) she will be missed for the next 3-4 years. I captured this photo during the BBQ over the weekend in the backyard, we all know kids won't sit there for you to take a photo so you snap away and take what you can get. I was lucky enough to capture this as she walked pass me i called out her name and she gave me her attention just for a split second.

I'd like to print this photo but before doing so hope you guys can work your lightroom magic on the photo. Im hoping to get a great color and B&W set. I know every photographer has their own style so im open to your interpretation of what the photo should look like. you can crop as you see fit knowing ill end up framing the photo.

the first color photo is the original jpeg taken right out of camera, the B&W is what i came up with in lightroom. I hope im not asking to much, i just want something nice to frame until she moves back to the states.
I know ill get slack for this as i was very disappointed when i went to load the photo into lightroom to find out it was jpeg. I normally shoot raw but for some reason it wasnt set to that and i can't remember why.

IMG_5108 by KayV3, on Flickr

IMG_5108-1 B&W by KayV3, on Flickr
im sure one of the wizards will help you but i would start by enabling the downloading of pictures from your flicker account to make it easier for them.
im sure one of the wizards will help you but i would start by enabling the downloading of pictures from your flicker account to make it easier for them.

im new to flickr, could you tell me where to make these changes, im looking in the privacy settings but can't find it.
I see you found it, not that its that hard for someone to download your images with it disabled but its less work when your asking for help is all.
Niece in color.

Niece in B&W.

I adjusted the photos for color and tone response and did some cloning and cropping. Both still need to be sharpened, but that step is output dependent and for best results should be done when final output is determined.

Ysarex, great job. I had a feeling someone would use the clone and heal tool, i had left it alone to show her messy eating, but now that i seen it cleaned up i do like it. Thanks for taking the time to do this. any tips on sharpening output for prints?
anyone else care to give their take on editing this photo? i wouldnt mind a few styles of prints to hang on the wall.
Ysarex, great job. I had a feeling someone would use the clone and heal tool, i had left it alone to show her messy eating, but now that i seen it cleaned up i do like it. Thanks for taking the time to do this. any tips on sharpening output for prints?

Sharpening digital photos is a whole book unto itself: book.

In a couple sentences: Sharpening is a double-edged sword and as the algorithms we use make the photo sharper they also do damage by adding noise and edge halos. So the goal is to find that sweet spot where we have maximum benefit with minimum harm. That sweet spot will be different depending on the output size and type so that we sharpen more or less for print versus screen and even between different print technologies. We sharpen more or less between an 11x14 versus a 4x6 print and we can even go so far as to using different sharpening methods depending on the output.

With that said, if these are important then use a good print service and trust them to know what to do.

You're using LR. If you want to take a run at doing it yourself assuming you're going to make an 8x10 to 11x14 print then LR's sharpening panel gives you adjustments for sharpening and noise together.

Set the Color noise value between 50 and 75 and the Color Detail to 50.
Set the Sharpening Amount to between 80 and 100.
Set the Radius to between 1.5 and 2.
Set the Detail to between 25 and 40.


It was super cute to begin with - here's my take on the editing :)
Niece in color.

Niece in B&W.

I adjusted the photos for color and tone response and did some cloning and cropping. Both still need to be sharpened, but that step is output dependent and for best results should be done when final output is determined.


Which looks pretty similar to Joe's lol
Here's my take. Increased exposure, sharpened, adjusted white balance and removed the string off the corn.


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