Post your BEST 3 of 2020!

gk fotografie

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Jun 13, 2015
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Happy New Year !!

Normally this 'BEST 3 of...' thread is a monthly thread for TPF members to post their 3 best photos taken during the previous month, but what could be nicer than to start on January 1st with the BEST 3 photos you took in the past year?

So, please show us the BEST 3 photos you took in 2020!

This is the 'Just For Fun' forum so there will be no critique or negative comments allowed. Positive feedback and other discussion of settings, technique, inspiration, processing, location etc. is encouraged.



Just three for the whole year? You’re killing me gk! Really though I shot more this year than ever before so hard to choose. If I had to pick my three best, they would not be the same as my three favorites. So these are my three favorites of 2020.

I love this one because the light was just phenomenal and it was a total slam on the brakes and pull over moment after seeing a glimpse of this lake through the trees. Vermont:

I'm in a Vermont state of mind by SharonCat..., on Flickr

I earned this one with a perilous climb up the icy stairs thanks to my yak trax spikes and the return trip I scooted down on my butt like a toddler. NH:

hdr frozen waterfall by SharonCat..., on Flickr

I just love the way these trees are silhouetted against the night sky. This one was only possible due to the lack of cars out during the initial days of the pandemic as there is a fairly busy highway in this direction which would normally have caused too much light pollution. NH:

Milky Way silhouettes by SharonCat..., on Flickr
Osprey, Blackwater NWR (Cambridge, MD)

Lone Tree, Blackwater NWR (Cambridge, MD)

Old US 40 Bridge, Casselman River (Grantsville, MD)

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