Profile Picture for the Internet


TPF Noob!
Oct 2, 2003
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Hello members,

I have a digital camera (canon s200). I wanted to take a picture to post on my profile for the Internet.

I am not sure if I should take a portrait picture or me doing something outdoor, etc? Are there any website that cover some information? Do you have any suggestions?

Any ideas, I am not a photographer but I need ideas and tips to take a picture I can post on a profile (to hopefully attract beautiful but ALSO intelligent women). Haha, I am not an ugly mug, but I am not Brad Pitt. My skin tone is asian/light brown (Indian).

Any need any and all suggestions... When? (sunny/cloudy, etc) Where? (indoor/outdoor) What setting? (up close/ full body) Anything and everything? 1-2-3 process would be beautiful...haha (go to the park on a cloudy day and sit on a bench with your feet crossed toward the sides of the bench as your face is turned slightly toward the camera gazing into the sky), haha.

Sample pictures, links would be cool too....

Thank you.

something like this...
That is the sexiest man i have ever seen..... The painted portrait of Kramer is a close second though!
Actually, its funny you guys posted that picture. That's exactly what I was thinking, as I was typing the question in the post, haha.

If nothing else that's what I will do, and have a link to this pic. Caus' a sense of humor is very important!

But really, any other nice ideas? (ideas I can use...haha). I wish I had that type of couch or I would do it...haha.

Well I've already got a significant other but...

if it were me... i might lean away from the humerous bit. It seems that self-portraits go one of two ways on the net, humerous or ultra serious with that attempt at 'epic.'

I'd say go for that true to life pic. Everyone want to present themselves in the best possible light which is cool, but why not stand out? Show them (us) what you really look like.

Back in Seattle during the mid 80s bands would often take more true-to-life if not disgusting images of themselves for their almbum covers. Why not do the same?

But that's just me...
I could be wrong...
Getting a photo that looks casual although is actually posed does best for your application. Make sure you have a smile in your eyes as that is one ket to attracting a new lover.

Photos of yourself in a macho type situation also has a lot of power. Posing with your Harley Davidson motorcycle, in a tuxedo on New Years eve, in your Firemans uniform are examples.

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