TPF Noob!
...one of this Board's strong points is a FORUM where members can post their images and invite comment or suggestions to improve and/or correct faults
It is reasonably straight forward to identify poor technique and offer suggestions for improving quality - if the poster provides some details of what was done to record the image
By way of example (and *not* to pick on the member concerned) a recent posting of snakes asked for assistance, but no details were given
In that particular case (to continue with the example) any one of a number of things - or a combination of them all - could be involved, such as choices relating to:
* lens
* lighting
* metering method
* exposure
* aperture (DOF)
* focal length (DOF)
* film to conditions (if it was film)
* sharpening (if digital, or scanned from film)
* etc
Manda already has a sticky on that forum offering good advice on "how" to post images ... maybe another sticky requesting posters provide "details" would also help

EDIT: maybe *mode should be added to the list - for those who run their cameras on Programme or Automatic ... there are situations where the camera is fooled by the scene, resulting in disappointment