

TPF Noob!
May 7, 2012
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St. Augustine, Florida
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I'm puzzled.

I've been digging the whole HDR thing, but I'm having a difficult time with certain aspects.

In the photo below, in the lower right, I simply cannot extract any detail from the blown-out area on the ground. I'd be embarrassed to say how long I spent working on this image before finally deciding that just cropping it might be a better option.

So, am I nuts, or are there times when you just won't pull that detail out?

You have to get enough exposures in that one of them has that detail. Then if you can not bring it out in photomatix you need to use photoshop and mask in the original exposure back into the photo. ITs not hard at all IF you have the correct exposures that has that detail.
How many exposures was this?

Three exposures...

That might be why. I bet if you used 7 or maybe even 5 exposures you would've gotten that area's detail or at least more than you did. I learned that from Bynx in his nurturing way. :-) You would've also gotten more shadow detail in the area of that tree in the middle.

I tried it my last time out and it makes the results much better.

I set my camera (5D) to bracket the exposure, but I can only bracket three shots. Maybe do three shots in one bracket, set the bracket to not stop down or overexpose as much, shoot again, and simply discard the center shot of one of the two brackets?
My best piece of advice for you is to learn your camera first then try HDR. As long as your camera has shutter speed control you can take as many bracketed shots as you wish. Get out of the automatic (lazy) mode.
Well, your 5d has three custom presets, so the way you do that is to save one for +1, -1 the second to +2, -2 and the third for +3, -3. Then, depending on what you're shooting, quickly turn the dial after each shot. The just delete 2 of the middle exposures. I have a 60D and only have one custom button so I don't even bother. It would be nice but I do my best to be quick and careful not to move the tripod.

The new 5D miii (I believe) can capture all the exposures you need in one shot. I can't wait to get that camera.

Hdr is just like any other photography. You need to shoot when you have the best light for the best results.
My best piece of advice for you is to learn your camera first then try HDR. As long as your camera has shutter speed control you can take as many bracketed shots as you wish. Get out of the automatic (lazy) mode.

I had to take you off ignore, just because you're like an internet train wreck.

I wasn't shooting in Auto, so you might want to back off on the Kreskin routine...
Well, your 5d has three custom presets, so the way you do that is to save one for +1, -1 the second to +2, -2 and the third for +3, -3. Then, depending on what you're shooting, quickly turn the dial after each shot. The just delete 2 of the middle exposures. I have a 60D and only have one custom button so I don't even bother. It would be nice but I do my best to be quick and careful not to move the tripod.

The new 5D miii (I believe) can capture all the exposures you need in one shot. I can't wait to get that camera.


The mark III is pretty sick.
My best piece of advice for you is to learn your camera first then try HDR. As long as your camera has shutter speed control you can take as many bracketed shots as you wish. Get out of the automatic (lazy) mode.

wouldn't lazy mode come in handy when there is a moving subject? like clouds? I understand it's not a big deal to shoot 5 different exposures in a photo like the one the OP posted, but automatic does have its advantages...no?

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