Question about wedding contracts and things of that nature....


TPF Noob!
Jun 19, 2012
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First of all, try using paragraphs! That is almost impossible to read as one big block of text.

As far as who is wrong, what does your contract say about the second shooter?

Personally, I would walk away.
I agree with John.. I would walk!
As a wedding photographer myself at first glance to your situation my response is ... Walk away!

Second thought...what does your contract say concerning the second shooter? Is it written that one will be provided? What does it say if second shooter is unavailable? If none of this is in your contract it should be.

I make no exceptions for my clients period. If they do not like my contract and what I am offering then I don't shoot the wedding. If I did go ahead anyway it would only bring on more headaches for me which I don't need. You are allowing them to walk all over you and they will continue to do so throughout the entire process.

I request a retainer fee due at the time of booking usually about 25% and the rest is due 30 days prior to the wedding day-no exceptions and there is absolutely no way in you know what that I would allow them to pay the remainder after I have shot the wedding. If the remainder is not paid prior to the wedding I don't shoot the wedding..that is written right in my contract and my retainer fee is non refundable and covers my hourly rate for the day of the wedding. I am covered all the way around.

I do not allow other photographers be it professional or otherwise to cover the event. My contract states I will be the only photographer. If a client came to me and asked for what they are asking...another photographer to second assist me my answer would be no period. I don't know their capabilities or knowledge or seen their portfolio and I sure as you know what wouldn't pay them out of my pocket. I wouldn't shoot the wedding.

Honestly I would walk away.
Haha! A person with the degree of ADHD that I have does not think in paragraphs!

Thanks everyone for the advice. If this werent a friend, I would have walked away. My contract states that if my husband is unavailable to act I second shooter, I will provide a replacement. I had one lined up and they came back saying they wanted to choose one for me, which is against the contract.
Haha! A person with the degree of ADHD that I have does not think in paragraphs!

Thanks everyone for the advice. If this werent a friend, I would have walked away. My contract states that if my husband is unavailable to act I second shooter, I will provide a replacement. I had one lined up and they came back saying they wanted to choose one for me, which is against the contract.

First of all, I'm not a wedding photographer, so what I say has no real authority or experience behind it at all, just a boatload of common sense.

If your contract states that, then you simply come remind them that the contract states that, and that you have a second shooter already lined up. Offer them two options:
Option 1: As per the contract, you provide a second shooter and everything is just as it was BEFORE you found out hubby couldn't do the second shooter role.
Option 2: Allow them to opt out of the contract. You might do that with or without financial penaltyyour choice, since they are "friends." Although, to be honest, I think you may have a different definition of "friend" than I have.

Honestly, if they want to pick Option 2, they are the only ones who are scr*wed. You are probably far better off getting out of the mess.
If they go with option 1--read, re-read and re-re-read that contract of yours and make sure to follow it to the letter...because they are almost certainly going to prove to be a PITA later on.

A person with enormous degrees of ADHD, such as myself, very OFTEN thinks in paragraphs...very short paragraphs at that, because EVERY single thought is a whole new subject! :lol:
Yours was more stream-of-consciousness writing, which, I must say...oh, look, a squirrel....... :lmao:
I think my neuroticism works a little differently. When I talk, I talk really, really fast, so I think I write like I talk, which is with all ideas flowing together. LOL

After lots of back and forth between myself and the client, we did reach a mutual agreement that makes both parties happy. However, this was yet another learning experience that will most definitely be cause for adding more amendments to my contract. Thanks again for the advice, you guys :)

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