
TPF Noob!
Dec 12, 2010
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South Texas
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well thats not my name. neither is dirtysanchez. anyway, im just a scatterbrained noob with a Nikon D3000 which i picked up around may time frame. im currently in the USAF and i play with guns on the daily. now, u might be asking urself "self, why is this guy interested in photography?". well here is ur answer. ive always admired the ability to take a seemingly every day object or scene and turn in it into a work of art. also, i LOVE cars. particularly GM muscle cars. i have spent alot of time in those forums and again admired the way a well shot photo could make a car appear. one day i decided that instead of lookin for someone to take pics of my car, id grab a camera and learn how to do it my self! so here i am. unfortunately i have yet to take a single pic of my car as my new marriage and career do not offer me alot of time to myself these days. anyway, i plan on learning alot around here. ive lurked for about a month and already learned about the rule of thirds and i am gonna ask santa (aka my wifey) for a new lense and maybe some fliters. thinking of maybe a nifty fifty or a 35mm. we shall see. so hows it goin erreybody? oh yeah, any fellow pontiac g8 drivers here? :lmao: oh yeah the title is from a very funny comic! can anyone tell me who?

Aziz Ansari. Just watched a bit of one of his specials again on Comedy Central tonight.

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