Rainy day....


Swiss Army Friend
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Jun 21, 2004
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The weather has been dreary here the past few weeks. I decided to pull out my flash and see what I could get :)

A girl and her giraffe

She liked it so much she wanted to eat it


I'm quite certain she will hate me for this pose

Peek-A-Boo: Anytime she has a dress on she grabs the bottom and pulls it up. Daddy is not happy about this :lmao:

These are more snapshots but I wanted to share :D

It's never too young to start reading:

Or being read to:

Hmmm.....line them up and watch them roll!
nice work, i really like the 4th and the last one is great :thumbup:
The last two shots are classic!! You should frame them.
The 4th one is a great image as well.
:lol: You did it! Great job here.

It's hard to pick a fave - I agree the reading ones are all great, the last one being the standout. ;)

But I think #4 is just precious! :love:
Oh, how I love the "more snapshot ones" ... such precious snapshots they are!!!

And she has developed heaps in the past couple of weeks ... there was no way she was lying on her belly propping up on her arms in early April, and now this: studying her books already! Wow! ;)
I THINK .... just think ... there might be a similar photo of a baby Florian with a big-brother Kristian, both reading on the floor ... should I go look for it? (It is far from being as good as these "just snapshots" of yours here, though, be warned!)
These are great.. I really loove the *reading* photos.. They are just soo cute and the last one *Priceless*
LaFoto said:
Oh, how I love the "more snapshot ones" ... such precious snapshots they are!!!

And she has developed heaps in the past couple of weeks ... there was no way she was lying on her belly propping up on her arms in early April, and now this: studying her books already! Wow! ;)
I THINK .... just think ... there might be a similar photo of a baby Florian with a big-brother Kristian, both reading on the floor ... should I go look for it? (It is far from being as good as these "just snapshots" of yours here, though, be warned!)

I would love to see that photo if you can find it!

Thanks everyone for the comments! The three of them have a very special bond. I expect things will chance once Evelyn starts getting into their legos and has her own opinion of things...but for right now she is content to be the center of attention ;)
Oh. Back to the albums then, and down memory lane ... let's see what I can find...
Wow...what an amazing series. Love it.
The readings shots, with the big brothers...those are fantastic. Every child should be so lucky as to have their childhood documented so beautifully.

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