RED BULL gives you wings


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 10, 2006
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some more shots from Biggin Hill


The Red Bull Matadors

The Red BUll Sea Vixen

C & C welcome
Awesome photos! I wish Red Bull really did give you wings, because mine would be miles long by now:lol:
ElectricHarmony said:
Awesome photos! I wish Red Bull really did give you wings, because mine would be miles long by now:lol:

I know that feeling, i've just downed 2 cans
Able_windy said:
So cool ! Very beautful!

Thanks for that.
I always try to get a more photographic shot of planes than the standard filling the frame kind of a shot
Ahh very cool. I love what Red Bull is doing for aviation. Would love to see the Sea Vixen. That has to make one heck of a sound! We had Kirby Chambliss at my local airshow doing aerobatics in a Red Bull Edge 540. Put on a pretty good show.

-Brett :)
AirVenture said:
Ahh very cool. I love what Red Bull is doing for aviation. Would love to see the Sea Vixen. That has to make one heck of a sound! We had Kirby Chambliss at my local airshow doing aerobatics in a Red Bull Edge 540. Put on a pretty good show.

-Brett :)

I agree with you, Red Bull are doing wonders. A lot of people over here moan like mad over the Sea Vixen in Red Bull colours but I'd rather see it flying in any colour than be grounded
Another great series...thanks for sharing.

Now about all that Red Bull you're drinkin' ... :shaking: watch out you don't get camera shake!
Good series........ well captured shots :thumbup:
Antarctican said:
Another great series...thanks for sharing.

Now about all that Red Bull you're drinkin' ... :shaking: watch out you don't get camera shake!

It'll be alright I've got Image Stabilizer Lenses ( I need them with the amount of Vodka I drink :crazy:

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