Red-wings and a Muskrat *No 56k*


TPF Noob!
Jun 16, 2005
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All of the posted Bird threads in the previous week inspired me to wake up earlier then usual today, borrow a lens and try my hand at bird photography. My respect for bird photographers just went up, as I am certain I do not have the patience or eye to tell when exactly those birds will take flight (as seen in pictures below). Saying that, I will leave future bird photos to the Eastern Canadians :lol:.

Enjoy laughing at my attempt.
(My apologies if the photos seem a bit large. I was having some difficulty resizing for photobucket)

1. This muskrat showed his face for a few minutes before disappearing again.

2. There were probably about five or six males 'displaying' their feathers the whole time I was there, but not a single female was visibly present




6. The bloopers


Thank you very much Woodsac and Raymond. It was wonderful to get out and enjoy the fresh air after a long winter.
Once again, my apologies for the size of the photos
Raymond J Barlow said:
you did very very well, love these shots! 2, and 6 are great, and 1 makes a ugly animal look almost cute! well done!

ooopps I mean 2 and 5 are great.. 6 is a bit of a blooper, and believe me I end up with hundreds of these every week.. but once in a while when you fire that shutter on a hope.. it works out. I hope you get hooked on birds Peanuts, it is a great challenge.
not sure why we would be laughing... these turned out great... i especially liked 4 & 5... :thumbup: it was fun seeing the muskrat and some of your bloopers too... :)
Wow, once again thanks for the comments. If I have another opppurtunity to borrow that lens again, I am certain I would take a few more bird shots and perhaps after maybe 50 hours I might be lucky to ever take a decent in flight picture :lol:
seven said:
Holy crap! Birds in Calgary! You must live in the south. Damn southerners.

Too true actually. These were taken south of Calgary half way between the city limits and Okotoks. Last time I was up north I could have sworn I saw some sparrows:lol:

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