Round Barns in Quebec - C&C Please


TPF Noob!
Aug 7, 2010
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Can others edit my Photos
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I spent a weeks vacation at my Grandmother's cottage this year in the Eastern Townships of Quebec and to thank her I search the country side looking for the round barns that she likes so much, with my camera in hand.

I had taken a picture of one for her many years ago with a film P&S, hopefully I did a little better this time. I'm still learning my camera and this was about a week after I had the camera, so I shot a couple in automatic along with a few in manual but the automatic ones look a lot better. So I put those in photoshop to help them out a little.

Can you please give me your thoughts on these picture (I'm ready for all of it so don't hold back)?





Hopefully the pictures show, or I'll be back to edit this post.
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why are they round?

At the time most of them were originally built it was cheaper, easier to clean and feed the animals. All the food was dropped down in the middle and it fed them all at once. Easier to clean because they could go around the out side with a small tractor.

The folklore around them is that there is no corner for the devil to hide in to start a fire.
1. Is definately my favorite.
2. Looks a bit washed out and clouds blown out. Maybe a little PP for the colors
3. Love the composition but clouds again blown out; sky a bit bluer would be nice too.
4. Clouds are blown out

I wish I had the time to get out and shoot more of these kinds of pictures. Love seeing them but between schooling and working I don't get to! Love the shots though, never seen a round barn before!
Thanks everyone for your comments!

I'll work on the sky tonight and see what I can do.

I have found a location of another round barn, when I go back in a with weeks hopefully I can go take some pictures of it.
I shoot lots of old barns and covered bridges, and have only ran across one round barn.

The thing that stands out to me is the composition. They're all centered and filling up the frame quite a bit. I'd like to see more of the surrounding settings. They seem to be more like a "documentation" shot instead of a nicely composed photograph.
Eastern Townships, Hmmm.... Are those the famous townships where some revolutionary Americans went so they could stay loyal to the Crown? If so, there is a lot of history there.
I like the first one best but would have loved some that were partials of the barns or more of their surroundings.

I'd have been so tempted to try to go up to the metal-roofing barn in the last shot and see if I could get an approach where I could shoot up the roof toward the cupola.

I love barns and I'm not sure I've seen round barns before. Must make time to go on a barn hunt :)

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