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Jul 25, 2014
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NW Florida
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Especially in old cars as they melt into the surrounding earth, I guess in some ways going back to where they first originated..of course all but the plastics, bakelite and other poly products which will be all that marks what was there at one time. I've become rather fascinated with the structure of rust and have been working the rusting parts into multi-media constructions on a rather large scale. I will post those as I finish the constructs.

Broken windows and empty hallways,
a pale lit moon in a sky streaked with grey.
Human kindness is overflowing,
and I think it's gonna rain today.

I think its going to rain today.jpg

A Key Moment


10039K and Already It's Junk

I really love your recent work. I know you're an expert at wildlife photography, but you are recent discoveries are really off the charts. You have a keen eye and a clear understanding of your hardware. Your work is very inspiring and gives A wonderful window of opportunity for the new photographer. It reminds me of a time when I was fascinated with watercolor painting and I embarked on the journey. There was a master watercolorist named John Marin that I tried to emulate, I did not get there but I learned a lot about myself along the way. This is how I see your work in relation to my journey into photography. You make me want to look vs see.

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That's only 10,039 actual miles. The tenths wheel looks faded.
Ok, we'll go with 10,039.7 or whatever..still went to hell pretty quick :)
All nice, but the last one is incredible. I'd darken along the top and left.

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