Saddle Up Partner...


No longer a newbie, moving up!
May 16, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
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I don't see any golf? All I see is goofy shots on a sawhorse, a beer can, and a tat.
Thanks imagemaker! Tirediron, yeah nothing you can do about that. The tournament was when the tournament was. Gipson, the whole point of this hole was that you had to tee off from a saddle. It was for a rodeo benefit. The images imply golf. Trust me there were a ton of golf photos, but those are boring. The tat = story-telling detail, beercan = story-telling detail.
Thanks imagemaker! Tirediron, yeah nothing you can do about that. The tournament was when the tournament was. Gipson, the whole point of this hole was that you had to tee off from a saddle. It was for a rodeo benefit. The images imply golf. Trust me there were a ton of golf photos, but those are boring. The tat = story-telling detail, beercan = story-telling detail.

I think the participants are the story here more than the actual golf!

I might have tried to get the beer can shot with more of his shoe in the frame (unless he was out of the shot altogether) so it doesn't look too cropped; same with the close up of the tatoo, which is a nice sharp image, might have tried to include the entire shoe in that one.

You really captured the fun of the event. Looks like it was a blast to photograph and you got some great shots.
Thanks imagemaker! Tirediron, yeah nothing you can do about that. The tournament was when the tournament was. Gipson, the whole point of this hole was that you had to tee off from a saddle. It was for a rodeo benefit. The images imply golf. Trust me there were a ton of golf photos, but those are boring. The tat = story-telling detail, beercan = story-telling detail.
Ahhh, okay, that makes sense! Wasn't commenting on your work, just the fact that having to work under those conditions sucks.
Tirediron, ya seriously. Welcome to NV ha ha that's basically what I have to shoot in all the time. Thanks for the comment Sharon!
The only issue I have with these is that there's nothing indicating its a benefit tournament. I would expect a banner or something. It just looks like bros getting hammered and riding a saw horse on a golf green to me. Not saying they're bad photos, but I feel there's a major element of storytelling missing.
The only issue I have with these is that there's nothing indicating its a benefit tournament. I would expect a banner or something. It just looks like bros getting hammered and riding a saw horse on a golf green to me. Not saying they're bad photos, but I feel there's a major element of storytelling missing.

Yeah I mean I gotcha on that. I was a bit limmited in that I was supposed to be stationed at the hole and wasn't really allowed to move. I do have a file of the business that sponsored the hole which may have given an indication that it was a benefit. But if I were covering this for a periodical rather than just covering the "funny-ness" of each hammered bro I would have walked around and told more of a story. I totally get where you are coming from though. I mean my instructions were like "this is gonna be funny, get a picture of each golfer trying this ridiculous thing".
The only issue I have is that someone is about to commit alcohol abuse by attempting to hit that golf ball off that beer can. Best to remind those "cowboys" that you have to go to meeting for that kind of abuse.

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