Senior Shoot for 2014

Jun 1, 2014
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United States
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I did my boyfriends senior portraits, which I didn't quite expect to be as hard as it was. He HATES pictures. We were out for 15 minutes and he was pretty much done. We started his senior sessions last June, but since he can't stand to do it all at once, the last session was last night. He graduates today. I got roughly half of the pictures I normally get from a senior session, and during this time it put a strain on the both of us. Did I mention he hates pictures?! I had no idea how to handle this, and hope in the future I get more willing participants. Thank goodness some pressure was taken off of me due to the fact that this was a free shoot. Anyway, with June weather in mid-Texas, this shoot was during really humid times. (Even at 6 in the evening!:x That gets old!)
Gage is huge on family. His little brother wouldn't come shoot with us. But his little sister did. I thought having some pictures with her in it would be ideal not only to show his love for his family, but a good memory for the two of them. He leaves August 12th for bootcamp. He's taking a step up and going into the Army to be a Combat Medic. Maybe I'll get some wallet prints of him with his family from tonight and this shoot for him to take with him to AIT.

I know some of them are slightly OOF, but this is what I got from someone who wasn't very cooperative, and wouldn't stay still. Let me know what y'all think! $IMG_9645.jpg$IMG_9701.jpg$IMG_9724.jpg$IMG_9725.jpg
from me a bmp, so someone could help you more
#1 composition fair, but he is squinting from the sunlight. The cap and dog are extra elements that probably shouldn't be in the shot.
#2 Pose o.k., frame is odd, seeing as about half is just the bridge.
#3 fun pose, but not anything that should be put up for a competition.
#4 Very nice pose and composition.
#1 composition fair, but he is squinting from the sunlight. The cap and dog are extra elements that probably shouldn't be in the shot.
#2 Pose o.k., frame is odd, seeing as about half is just the bridge.
#3 fun pose, but not anything that should be put up for a competition.
#4 Very nice pose and composition.

The first one, he wanted his nascar hat in the picture. He's just about as redneck as they get (he swore on his tennis shoes with his gown, ugh) and wanted his dogs in his pictures. The first one was actually missing a dog. I told him they didn't look good in the shot and he said that's where he wanted them. Not gonna argue with him on that one. But I agree, normally I HATE the hat and the dog. But that's what he wanted.
He really liked the bridge. And saw significance for the way his life is heading with the bridge leading into the trees.
I didn't know this was competition? Him and his sister are always goofballs like this, and I like to get some fun shots now and then.
This last one was difficult to work with. I had help, and a reflector, but it was too late at night with too many trees to catch the sun so I used my flash. She ended up blown out, and he partially was. I actually (now that I go back and look, hate when that happens) should've angled differently due to her dress.

Thank you for the input!

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