Shooting with Stitches


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Dec 30, 2010
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Dumb question on my part but i just had some minor surgery yesterday that required 4 stitches. I wasn't suppose to work on Saturday but was called in last minute to second shoot a wedding. Doctor pretty much told me no activities with my stitched arm for one week and even mentioned cutting the grass. Anybody work under these conditions? The stitches are on my upper left arm near my elbow. The only thing i am worried about is the weight of the lens in my hand...last thing i need is for the stitches to pop but i also don't want to turn down jobs. At least i dont hold the camera with that arm.
I'd see what it feels like at home, but I definitely wouldn't push it too much. If you tear it back open you'll be out that much longer, not to mention possibly bleeding all over the place at someones wedding.

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