Shoots for a Cure Session


TPF Noob!
May 5, 2012
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I want her pictures to turn out great because she's been through so much. She is in remission right now, but she was diagnosed with Lymphoma not long ago. Let me know any suggestions you may have.

I like this. And her family will love it as well. I'm sure she has a very long road ahead, and these images and memories are going to mean so much.

As for c&c, her face is a bit blue compared to her arms - easy fix. And did you burn in the background at all? its seems a bit lighter around the edges of her.
rub said:
I like this. And her family will love it as well. I'm sure she has a very long road ahead, and these images and memories are going to mean so much.

As for c&c, her face is a bit blue compared to her arms - easy fix. And did you burn in the background at all? its seems a bit lighter around the edges of her.

Thank you. I agree about her face being blue. Thanks for pointing that out. I did make the background darker, but not with the burn tool. I used a soft light layer with black as the foreground color.. Then applied a layer mask and filled in the area I wanted to be lighter. It's not supposed to be noticeable, so I may go in and Gaussian blur with a higher radius than I used before.
Yeah just get in a bit tighter to her body so its less noticable. I highly doubt her or the family would notice though :)
A couple of thoughts: First of all, I agree with Kristal's comments. While it might not be noticable to the untrained eye, the background treatment really stands out. I'm also not fond of the close crop; I wish that the RH side was pushed out a little more and that her legs, at least in part, were visible in the image. While I like the idea of the pose, I'm not sure that it was executed in the best manner; I can't seem to access the EXIF data for this image, but it looks like you used a fairly short focal-length lens which has resulted in her head looking a little too big for her body.

All that aside, it's by no means a bad shot.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

tirediron said:
A couple of thoughts: First of all, I agree with Kristal's comments. While it might not be noticable to the untrained eye, the background treatment really stands out. I'm also not fond of the close crop; I wish that the RH side was pushed out a little more and that her legs, at least in part, were visible in the image. While I like the idea of the pose, I'm not sure that it was executed in the best manner; I can't seem to access the EXIF data for this image, but it looks like you used a fairly short focal-length lens which has resulted in her head looking a little too big for her body.

All that aside, it's by no means a bad shot.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.


I didn't crop this at all. I shot it at 60mm. I had to climb to get this angle and I couldn't climb any higher. Haha!
I think this shot looks great. Not sure what to suggest to you here. Get a ladder for trick angles.
DiskoJoe said:
I think this shot looks great. Not sure what to suggest to you here. Get a ladder for trick angles.

Thank you! Sorry I am just now responding.

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