Small Church


Mental case
Dec 14, 2003
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F@cking Hell
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A small church at Necropolis Cemetery.

What a beautiful little church, with those blossoms outside and the clinging ivy. Looks like some nice stained glass inside as well. Very peaceful spot.
Very pretty. I love how the pink blossoms just kind of pop out of the picture
woha cool church man....... great colours...... and the crop is spot on :thumbup:
The colors are spectaculasr in this shot!
The crop is good, too. Very crisp and well
centered. I really like the idea that you got the sky
(blue), Ivy (green), blossoms (pink), roof (black and
turquoise), and of course the church (brick.)
very cool! lovely exposure and great colors :)
Thanks everyone, for your kind replies.
Doenoe...Cool idea. I seem to be having trouble with a hot spot in the center of my lens. Apparently it is common with the Canon Kit lens. Bet it would look cool in IR>
Thanks again everyone.
Awesome color. IMO the comp is to tight, but nothing wrong with in your face photo. As I call it. Still a awesome shot.
Thanks Kevin. Appreciate your comments. I had to shoot between two parked cars as this thing sits really close to the road, and I really did not want to miss the sky, and that tree. Thanks again man.
Kevin D Burns said:
Awesome color. IMO the comp is to tight, but nothing wrong with in your face photo. As I call it. Still a awesome shot.

I did not know how to put it at first but I agree with Kevin a bit. The comp does seem a little squeezed or tight fit however, the picture is beautiful. Great colors and awesome subject. I bet you could turn this into a very cool b&w
Yeah i know about the hotspot. Best thing to do is to keep the shutterspeed as short as possible. I now use my 50mm 1.8, works great with an IR filter. No hotspot whatsoever

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