Some Lensbaby shots


Been spending a lot of time on here!
May 29, 2008
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N Georgia
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Wow, never noticed this section of the forum before, somehow. Here's one from a couple of days ago, with the Sweet 35 and a +4 close-up filter "reflexion"- was going for a painterly effect...


and another from the same session, x-posted from the abstract thread, "in yellow":
I really love the contrast in colours and how the blur together.
As for the second picture, I would have appreciated it more if the top flower was more towards the left and more in focus, as the way the are the eyes shift towards the right and then the picture just ends.
The top one is stunning! I agree with timoris about the second one though.
The top one is stunning! I agree with timoris about the second one though.

Thanks! I see what you (and Timoris) mean about #2.
It seems Lensbabies are often hit and miss (for me anyway). The sweet spot can be really hard to discern on a DSLR focusing screen- live view works better. What a great and fun lens for experimentation, though! This lens has provided more fun per dollar than any other. :D

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