Some old stuff that fits here


TPF Noob!
Mar 8, 2004
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Rochester, NY Velocity: Unknown
Can others edit my Photos
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Some of these pics are pretty old and they aren't anything I feel like putting on my website, but some of you folks might enjoy them.



This is 35mm film shot in a Holga and scanned on a flatbed. I forgot to wind the film and got a double exposure. They are decorations around a neighbor's tree on Hallowe'en.



These were from an experiment using slow shutter speeds (1s-2s) and movement. They are MF scanned on a flatbed and the film was pretty thin, so the scan didn't turn out so great. I might have posted these ages ago, but there are a lot of new people here now.





I like the compo of the 1st one & the 2nd one is pretty cool/spooky in a kids Halloween kind of way. I seem to remember seeing some of the other ones...definitely fits the Dark Side.
that first one is amaizing!!! i love it! the others are really funky too! nice one markc
woha...... these are awesome...... and have that nice film feel to them.
I like number one..... i'v been trying a similar thing but cant find a good enough web/spider situation..... but this one works well.

Double exposures always look great for that ghostly feel, so im diggin that one.

But my favs are the series of slow exposures...... particularly 1&4 for me.... they really show a darker side of him..... and love the effect of the trail.

Great series! :thumbup:
hehe.. I remember those last series. :)
I really wish people would post warnings on threads that contain photos that people commonly have phobias of the subject, such as spiders.

I jumped out of my skin when I saw that first shot and had to scroll down quickly.

Are there any more with spiders in, I don't want to look?
Great shots but that spider :thumbup: was hands down the best.
The first one is beyond dark sides normal 'darkness', and it only got better from there. Great series!
I love #1... that is a fantastic shot. #2 is also pretty neat -- double exposures are fun :)
These are very cool. I love 2nd one :)

It's gutting though that shot you feel aren't good enough for your website are better than the shots that are on mine :(

And as an aside markc, I always seem to rabidly agree with what you have to say in your posts. But your new avatar, combined with your spouting words of wisdom makes me feel like I'm about 3 years, sitting on the knee of a wise old unlce. It's slightly disturbing :meh:
Mohain said:
It's gutting though that shot you feel aren't good enough for your website are better than the shots that are on mine :(
Lol. Well, a lot has to do with fitting in with the style that I do now. I think it's good to be really picky and use only your best. I have a few new ones that need to go on it, and I think there are several that should come off. That first one is growing on me, so it may end up on there, since I don't have many landscapes up, but that's not what I do now. It's a recent edit of a RAW that's been sitting for a long time.

And as an aside markc, I always seem to rabidly agree with what you have to say in your posts. But your new avatar, combined with your spouting words of wisdom makes me feel like I'm about 3 years, sitting on the knee of a wise old unlce. It's slightly disturbing :meh:
Bwahahaha! Okay, I could see getting that from that avatar. My original thought with it was along the lines of "Is this thing on?", but on a board I used to mod, I was accused by someone of trying to kill all the fun, so I made this one:


And then there was the Great Panda Invasion of 2002, when everyone had panda avatars.


I really need to come up with something new.
MarkC posting on the darkside? Whoa!

Love the spider pic and your slow-mo shots. Great series

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