Sparrow close up


TPF Noob!
May 4, 2007
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I would like some advice on this photo that I took today.. Thanks

the camera shake and the plain background brings this otherwise great photo down
try including some exif data, im finding myself wanting to know what aperture/shutter you have used etc.. lordson is right, that little bit of camera shake makes the whole image look soft and while this may be hard, next time try to fill the frame even more to cut out some of that background, i often find a plain background can work really wel with some pictures so its not necessarily a bad thing.
try including some exif data, im finding myself wanting to know what aperture/shutter you have used etc..

If you click on the picture, then go to "more properties" then it shows all the picture info..

and what do you guys mean, "camera shake"?
shutter is so slow that the small amount of shake from your hands causes a blurred image
It is no longer easy to firmly handhold 1/100 sec when you are at 283mm zoom, JayJay. You shook, albeit a teensy-weensy bit. But for the real experts on bird photography (check out our member Raymond J Barlow!), a good photo is a TACK SHARP one.

As to the uniform background ... I don't mind that one here at all, for we can better focus on the fact that the bird is feeding on this bit of grain.

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