Stock photo analysis

Since I work in the nuclear field, I've been wondering about producing a set of photos based upon that subject. But if I sold one for $1, how much does a place like iStock take off of that? I suspected this kind of trend would occur with more and more people getting high quality cameras. :p Professional photographers are being undercut by moms with a camera, walmart, and now the internet. Maybe I should keep my day job...
The on-line stock company I have some of my work with pays the photographer 20% of the sale price. They offer the images in low, med & high res (usually with unrestricted rights), prices start at around $79 for the low res ...
I strongly urge photographers to boycott istockphoto. the site charges $1 usd per photo, of that the person who took it gets literally cents. A client of mine uses this site for their stock photos. Before I found out they were using them I suggested I take the stock photos for them at a reduced price from my regualr rate because they were giving me a decent amount fo work at my regular rate. I was then told they pay $1 per photo and realized I can not compete with that. Its ridiculous and should not be supported by people with any amount of talent.
To ask a professional photographer to do stockshots for a buck, is like asking a gourmet chef to flip burgers at McDonalds.

Although anyone can afford a camera and submit cheap photos to online stock agencies, does not mean that there is no use for photographers anymore. But it is not the equipment that distinguishes a photographer from the crowd anymore, and if we cant prove to our customers that our knowledge is valuable, then we dont deserve to survive anyway.

My clients still wants shots that are unique to them, and no stock agencies have shots of their operations. But if you run a travel agency and needs shots from around the world, shots for a buck or two will work just fine. I believe there is a place for both. Just as there is a place for both McDonalds and gourmet resturants.
There are lots of other sites cropping up besides istockphoto, and it might be better to run your own program on your own site, than having to give a cut to someone.
most sights like Istock phot have price dependant on size and experience. prices can vary from $1-$20 for an rf licence

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