Stonehenge Part Deux


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Jun 4, 2010
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Wisconsin, United States
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Taken during our adventure through Europe. I had posted a wider B&W image of Stonehenge a while ago, but I ended up really liking this one. I was torn between color and B&W, but the color really brought out the detail in the stones. Not particularly "artsy" but I liked the high level of detail.

D800, 24-70 f/2.8 @ f/5.6, 56mm, 1/500, ISO400, 6 shot pano
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Thanks...from this photo, now I don't have to go all the way's like I have already been!
Wonderful! Does it work as well in B&W? (Would be a bit moodier, wouldn't it?) What time of day did you take the picture?
Wonderful! Does it work as well in B&W? (Would be a bit moodier, wouldn't it?) What time of day did you take the picture?
Thanks! I did try the B&W, but on this one I thought the vibrance of the color version was much better. It would be more moody, but I didn't feel it felt this particular image. If memory serves, it was taken around 9:00am. Before the crowds came but the light wasn't particularly dramatic. Though the overcast skies helped.

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