Suggestions for Online Backup


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Mar 29, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Now that I'm finally in the High Speed age, I'm looking for the best option for online backups. I need at least 10tb maybe a little more, and doesn't break the bank. Any suggestions?
If you have Amazon prime you can back up unlimited photos, even raw files.
Under "Accounts and lists" about 3/4 the way down you should see Amazon photos
If you have Amazon prime you can back up unlimited photos, even raw files.
Under "Accounts and lists" about 3/4 the way down you should see Amazon photos

Thanks for reminding about Prime. While photo files are unlimited, documents are limited to 5g. Photos, are only a part of my file backups, documents, financial records, contracts, and correspondence comprise a chunk also. I could probably split my backups between online storage sites, but it would be nice to have a single site. Plus in looking it appears that when you start looking at Tb's it doesn't go. Carbonite is the most economical for me with unlimited storage but it's limited to one computer/one external drive. A more expensive option is IDrive.

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