Suggestions on DSLR scanning


TPF Noob!
Dec 22, 2019
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Hi, I've developed a couple of rolls, and I am trying to digitize them, Ive been using a Nikon D60 with an older (Film Era) Vivitar 80-200 Macro Zoom lens, in Macro of course. but my "scans" are not coming out as intended

My setup is kind of makeshift, I am using a goose neck desk lamp that is sitting in the bottom of a tin lunch box with bunch of page protectors on top to diffuse the light

and its sitting on my bed, so its low enough that I can keep the negatives in focus when I am standing up

So I need some suggestions on how to get better results with what I have.

Thanks for the help

Budget for starters?

Dedicated macro lens--old Nikon 55/3.5
Flat, stable evenly lit light source
Camera support--stable tripod or old copy stand that allows precise focus and alignment with negative
Hacked negative holder to flatten film strip and frame to be scanned

Tons of set-up suggestions/examples online...
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You need to mask out everything except the neg frame. You are getting a ton of light in around the edges even though you are in tight on the frame. Turn off most of the other lights in the room, you want the light from the neg to be just about the only light there is.

Everything needs to be square and parallel, film/sensor plane to neg frame plane. A sturdy base for the negs and a tripod are essential.

Even then you may not be happy with the results, this DSLR version of the old copy neg setup is still not quite up to making 100% quality copies of the original. Although black and white will be more successful than color.
Thanks, I'll look into getting a tripod, since I still don't have one, and there have been time when I have been placing my camera on tables and such, and I guess I should add a light table to my shopping list as well, thanks again

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