Sunlight, knives, plant


TPF Noob!
Jun 7, 2006
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Sunlight, knives and a plant... Echoing the knife shapes in the plant
I like the concept... natural and man-made shapes imitating each other. I like the shiny bit of brilliant light reflected off of the leaf.

Try experimenting with composition at different focal lengths and see what you get. Exposure is going to be tough with the over powering light through the window. Perhaps get the knives completely silhouetted to bring the observer to focus on the shape of the knives.
I like to work with digital photo manipulation. The moment of taking a photo is critical, but for me it is as important and more absorbingly fun to work with an image after it has been taken. For example, here is the original digital photo for the above picture... I saw something in the original which needed to be brougfht out more clearly... hence the manipulation. :)

I've been working with Photoshop for about 12 years - mostly drawing and illustration work - but love to work with photos as well :heart:

It's a beautiful concept. I would love to learn more about photographic manipulation. Right now I am just focusing at getting better at taking a good picture.

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