Sunset Moonrise Lighthouse Sailboat


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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Went to Salem last night to catch the moonrise by Fort Pickering Lighthouse on Winter Island. Moonrise was immediately following sunset which was behind us. No clouds or crazy color but the sunset left a nice pastel gradient in the sky. At first I thought maybe I’d misread the time because the moon didn’t appear when expected. Turns out it was hidden behind a large schooner that was out there for a sunset cruise. The crowd on board got quite a treat with a huge pink moon rising up beside them.

Winter Island Light Sunset Moonrise by SharonCat..., on Flickr

I wasn’t quick enough to get the lighthouse in the shot above as we didn’t see the moon until the boat passed it and the boat was quickly out of the frame. I only had time for 2 frames before it was gone. Fortunately I got another chance at that when a smaller, slower boat came along a moment later. The moon rose very swiftly! This was at 101mm. The surroundings there and the lighthouse being so close to a ledge prevented me from backing up and getting more lens compression with the 70-300.

Winter Island Light Sunset Moonrise by SharonCat..., on Flickr

Eventually the moon rose enough to lineup for a close up.

Winter Island Light Sunset Moonrise by SharonCat..., on Flickr
Well, geez - the first one might be my new favorite of yours. It's beautiful! A lovely capture, excellent exposure of an odd and ethereal sky. Great job!

#1 is nominated for POTM, as soon as I figure out how to do it from my phone. 🤣 I may have to come back when I get to the laptop.
Very nice set. The 1st one almost does not look real.

The second shot has the three elements but, in my eye,
it's not as strong as the others compositionally speaking.
Thanks. Yes I tend to agree with that assessment. I would have needed to back up quite a bit to get the composition that would have been best there. Unfortunately that location doesn’t really allow that.
Wonderful set! #1 is my fave.
Thank you.
Very good set.....
Thank you!
Great set! #1 is a pearler.
Thanks. Love that expression.
Very nice set. The 1st one almost does not look real.
Thanks. I wish I had been on that boat. I wonder what the moon looked like from there!
Well, geez - the first one might be my new favorite of yours. It's beautiful! A lovely capture, excellent exposure of an odd and ethereal sky. Great job!

#1 is nominated for POTM, as soon as I figure out how to do it from my phone. 🤣 I may have to come back when I get to the laptop.
Thanks! Nominating from a phone is difficult. If you figure out how to do it without it taking 20 steps, let me know.
Thanks. Yes I tend to agree with that assessment. I would have needed to back up quite a bit to get the composition that would have been best there. Unfortunately that location doesn’t really allow that.

Thank you.


Thank you!

Thanks. Love that expression.

Thanks. I wish I had been on that boat. I wonder what the moon looked like from there!
You might have lost the perspective of how large the moon was if you were on the boat.
Very nice set. #1 is my favorite. I spent a lot of time boating Salem Sound. Full moons were always my favorite times, but I never caught it quite like that.
Very nice set. #1 is my favorite. I spent a lot of time boating Salem Sound. Full moons were always my favorite times, but I never caught it quite like that.
Thanks! The owner of the boat in the second shot saw my pic in a Facebook group (New England Lighthouses) and contacted me for a print. So cool that she happened to see it. Since her boat sailing by turned an ok photo into a much more interesting one, I think I’m going to give it to her for just the cost of the print. I sold a print of the NEOWISE comet over Anisquam lighthouse to someone in that same group who lives near the lighthouse.
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Great set - No 2 is strong, but it's a pity about those out of focus plants.
Beautiful photos! The first two are my favorites.

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