Super Moon in HDR


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 7, 2013
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San Diego, CA
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I caught some sky color.
Wow. the conventional wisdom is that a full moon is less interesting than a gibbous moon, because of the shadowing. But this one pops out. Details on the exposure?
Wow. the conventional wisdom is that a full moon is less interesting than a gibbous moon, because of the shadowing. But this one pops out. Details on the exposure?
Middle exposure was 1/60, F/8, ISO 100.
But what I like about HDR is it's a fast way to extract details in Photomatix. At least for me. I can do it with one exposure but find it's faster so use Photomatix.
I would have thought 1/60 would give blur on moon? Especially on a 3 shot -shot?
Very nice colors though..

Nancy, although the moon moves a teensy bit faster than the stars you can use the '500 rule' to avoid motion blur.
500 Rule: 500 Divided By the Focal Length of Your Lens = The Longest Exposure (in Seconds) Before Stars Start to “Trail”

so for 100mm about 5 secs is max. On the super moon shot I just posted with the ferris wheel I used (I think @180mm about 1 sec) so had about 2 sec fudge room. Your only real problem usually is overexposure with the moon, and not motion blur.
I would have thought 1/60 would give blur on moon? Especially on a 3 shot -shot?
Very nice colors though..

Nancy, although the moon moves a teensy bit faster than the stars you can use the '500 rule' to avoid motion blur.
500 Rule: 500 Divided By the Focal Length of Your Lens = The Longest Exposure (in Seconds) Before Stars Start to “Trail”

so for 100mm about 5 secs is max. On the super moon shot I just posted with the ferris wheel I used (I think @180mm about 1 sec) so had about 2 sec fudge room. Your only real problem usually is overexposure with the moon, and not motion blur.
You're right about the exposure vs motion blur. The moon is pretty bright and so movement is not an issue.
I have modified the 500 rule to 300 for my applications as I find it just works better. But thats just me.

The one thing about the colors in this photo I failed to mention is that I shot it soon after moon rise while there was still lots of atmosphere between the camera and moon. This gets the colors. If you wait then you just get a black and white photo as the color is gone.

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