supermacro shots of normal stuff


TPF Noob!
Sep 6, 2005
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Columbus, OH
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I've created a new gallery to showcase macro shots of just "normal" stuff that i find lying around. Its been pretty fun. Since I lack a true "macro" lens, i tape another 28-90mm lens backwards to the front of a regular 28-80mm lens, and it makes a supermacro lens. Its a huge pain, but fun when it works. here's the link for the gallery, thanks for looking



these are staples...

The baseball one is great.

All are good but the baseball one ...... Great!
I cant tell what the third one is...

The other ones are awesome! Very neat!
I gotta agree with everyone else.
They are all great...but that baseball one is WOWSER!!!

You should take a shot of you camera set up with that lens taped backwards to the other and let us all see how that
Does it make it super akward and heavy?
This just totally blows my mind.
Great way to make do with what ya got though!!!
It's all been said before...nice shots, cool way of taking 'em, and I like the baseball one the best.
n2photos said:
I gotta agree with everyone else.
They are all great...but that baseball one is WOWSER!!!

You should take a shot of you camera set up with that lens taped backwards to the other and let us all see how that
Does it make it super akward and heavy?
This just totally blows my mind.
Great way to make do with what ya got though!!!

Thanks for the nice comments guys. Yeah, maybe i'll take a picture tomorrow of my is quite a bootleg job, pretty awkward. Use lots of ducktape and a tripod for sure
Agree with everyone here...I love that baseball. It's just clean and classic. I think what makes it though, is the soft warm light you've got on it......just right!! I'd totally frame that and put it in my kid's room....but ain't got any just yet ;) :thumbup:
Wow, what excellent quality. O_O These are like something you'd see on an ad. Ever thought about making a portfolio of these and showing them off to various design companies or some sort of prospective client base? I made one with a few of my photos at and got really great results. Now, I can't say that my work is anywhere worthy of attention, but I think you should definitely give it a try with these sorts of images!

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