The beach


TPF Noob!
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Puyallup, WA
Can others edit my Photos
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Kind of a gray, misty day at the beach.
it would be awesome in color..

but i like the concept of your photo..

i love it
seems to have a mystical quality to it

very nice
Both the B&W and color have a sort of surreal look to them... I'd vote for not cropping out the people, though. I think they add a lot to the pic.
Love your top image there. The folks aren't bothering me, I think they're too small to do anything but add to the scene. :thumbup:

What a beautiful place! :)
Very cool. Both shots work. I agree with terri.. The folks are pretty small, and the second shot looks really good as well, with out them there. Nicely done.
Great shot :thumbup:

Love the black and white. I don't mind the people but I think I agree with Ray about cloning the chap with the 'pod out.
B&W :thumbup:

great shot... love the mist...

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