The greatest four words in the human language...


Jedi Bunnywabbit
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Sep 2, 2005
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"On truck for delivery."

D800 will be in my grubby paws tomorrow.


Now I just need to buy 48 more memory cards and a 10TB NAS and 12 batteries to keep up with it.


lol I like the bunny!!
Yer just noticing the bunny now?

You don't love me anymore.

How come Nikon is sending MY D800 to YOU?!?!?!!?!?:grumpy:
Waiting for an order and it still says "processing". Placed the order on Friday...
(Not camera gear ... hot sauce. 1.1 million SHU hot sauce...)
I've been a bad girl. I haven't been on that much of late. I know you're the Princess Bride guy on
I've been a bad girl. I haven't been on that much of late. I know you're the Princess Bride guy on

INCONCEIVABLE!!! (or however you spell that)

How come Nikon is sending MY D800 to YOU?!?!?!!?!?:grumpy:

heh. Sorry man. I had to stalk a lot of websites to make that happen. I have to believe my workplace wondered why I visited Nikonrumors 300x a day... and ultimately that's what did it. Caught that BestBuy had them available, ordered within 10 minutes of them posting the article (while blatantly ignoring a meeting I was in), and managed to get lucky.

Now I have to go cancel all my other preorders.

Clearly going to the big places like B/H and Adorama does NOT work with these. There are too many people vying for a small number of cameras. My second-tier plan was also clearly a good one... hit a Wolf or Ritz camera in your area and order it there. I called 3-4 of them and they said they were pretty consistently getting their customers' orders filled in 2-3 weeks. That's WAY the hell better than, what? 5? 6 months? I mean I literally cancelled my adorama order for my D4 maybe four weeks ago, and I HAD to be one of the first people on the list for their pre-orders since I bought within MAYBE an hour of them announcing?

I only wish I had thought of the Ritz trick a few months ago. Dur.

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