The King Neptune Statue, Virginia Beach


TPF Noob!
May 21, 2012
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Norfolk, VA
Can others edit my Photos
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C&C are always welcome!!!
Very cool shot. One thing though, why does the sky in the upper left seem to turn purply?
Very cool shot. One thing though, why does the sky in the upper left seem to turn purply?

When I first created this image, I noticed the purple weirdness. I asked myself the same question you asked me, so I studied the source exposures for clues... The only answer I came up with was "I don't know what happened, but I think it looks pretty cool!"

I guess it's a trick of the light that I don't understand.
Now that I look at it more, the clouds over there are weird too. To me it looks like someone put them there in PS and smudged them around. I guess for me I'm wanting to see that awesome blue from the right side over on the left too.
Now that I look at it more, the clouds over there are weird too. To me it looks like someone put them there in PS and smudged them around. I guess for me I'm wanting to see that awesome blue from the right side over on the left too.

I agree with you on that point as well... Oddly enough, there was no post-processing magic on this one... Just a weird result that I can't explain. Ugh... Is all the weirdness ruining the experience? :lmao:

Let me show you two other images from that same day, same shoot...


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