The scapegoat


have kiwi, will travel...
Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
-36.855339, 174.762384
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This is an older shot, could it be appropriate for this forum?

yea i think it works for this gallery...... nice capture, looks like goats dont make good swimmers!........ poor thing, but makes for an interesting image :thumbup:
The is definately the place for it! I am not big on dead animals lol, but this photo is really a great shot, I think because I really love how the sunlight is consintrated on just the goat..kind of eerie, but very cool!
One knows when a photo makes an impression on them when...
So I have been working on a project for the past two hours (mind you, it is 2 a.m.), I finally get a burned to a CD, go to write the title on the CD while opening up this thread. Five seconds later I look down to have scrawled "Scapegoat". Whoops.
Peanuts said:
One knows when a photo makes an impression on them when...
So I have been working on a project for the past two hours (mind you, it is 2 a.m.), I finally get a burned to a CD, go to write the title on the CD while opening up this thread. Five seconds later I look down to have scrawled "Scapegoat". Whoops.

hey, thanks for the feedback. Nice to know i have a CD that I inspired :) If you are familar with Susan Miesala - this photo was influenced by it on a subconscience level. From my blog:

Tribute to Susan Meiselas (sort of)
Sun Jul 24, 2005

I've always had a hard describing who my photograpic influences. Quite honestly, i've never paid much attention to other photographers. However there is one photographer whose photograph has always haunted me, and that is of Susan Meiselas Nicaragua, Cuesta del Polomo ( 1978 ) taken in El Savador. The sereneness and the horror of the photo has always lingered in my mind, and on a subtle form perhaps i try to emulate it my photographs. The photo is of an unfortunate soul killed in war in El Salvador.

Below is the photograph i am talking about
Cuesta del Polomo ( 1978 )

you can go to my blog at to see the Meiselas photo, I am not sure what the policy is about posting work from others...

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