The Strole.


TPF Noob!
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK
;) went for a walk managed to luckly catch this i took loads of photo's these are my fav, what you think?

btw all shots taken with basic lense and no tripod.




this one is my fav but sadly had to tim most of it because imageshack have a 1mb file limit and it had alot of unwanted stuff in.


Last but not least.

Thanks for looking

anyone think these are anygood ? :(
I think you've got some potential for some pretty good shots there, you certainly seem to have a good eye for a shot. 2, 4 and 5 look over exposed, no highlight detail. Also the colors look a bit off in 1 and 3, too blue I think. I assume you're shooting digital? Yoiu might want to check your white balance settings if you're not shooting in RAW mode.

As I said I think you've got a good eye for a shot, I like the comp and POV on these shots, if you can sort your exposure and white balance settings, You will be on to a winner :) :thumbup:

Keep it up and post more :)
Very nice shots! My faves are #1 and 3.

What part of the world are you in?
Really like the 1st one... Its simple, but there is a lot to look at.. The lines give you such a dramatic look.. You can see the moon behind the soft clouds..
I assume you're shooting digital? Yoiu might want to check your white balance settings if you're not shooting in RAW mode.

Yep indeed i am, thanks for the tips and i might stick with photography only started 4 days ago all positive so far :heart:

I live in northwest of the UK :-P

Well spotted holly! today was so clear you could actualy see the moon :| it was about 2pm but still could see it, very rare to get a clear day over here.

hopfully ill get more lenses and other equpitment soon, still paying the cash for the camera :blushing: burnt a whole in my pocket thanks again for the good comments ill post more on my next "strole" :-P

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