The Tree's Coming Down!


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Dec 30, 2013
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United States
Can others edit my Photos
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Messing around a couple of nights ago. Three shots with D5200 and 16-85 on tripod, -2,0,+2. Photomatix using one of the tonemapping presets on the jpegs (may go back and process the RAWs later). I realize it is overdone and not to everyone's taste but thought it captured the mood two nights before Christmas.

Your zebra stairs are awesome.
Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, not my usual cup of tea but I thought it looked OK here. Hey, Ron. I'm in Norman. Lose any branches in that last bout of ice?
I personally fill that this could have been much better with a similar look. I think the walls and doors (white panels) have a dirty texture along with the floor tiles. It gives it a dungeon vibe, if that was what you where going for than you hit it. the lights are blown out and I think you could have masked the originals in and gave it a cleaner look.

I will go against what every one else said and say that to me this was not a keeper.
It looks like a painting, nevertheless very nice, catching the mood.
Thanks for the input. Not sure about the dungeon look. It was taken in dim light with the tree lights providing 90% of the light. I think that is why the walls look mottled-- those are shadows. I'm sure the lights could be made to look more realistic by someone with more skill. I kinda like 'em blown out, though. Thanks again.
I did a small crop edit and it works better for me. But it's just a personal taste.

I tend I agree with Vip here and this just has that "gritty" look to it. Not sure that works for me in a Christmas photo. Again more personal taste than a criticism. I really only cropped it to remove a few distractions on the right side. Other than that its a neatl shot.

Thanks, weags. Although I like your crop, I think something between yours and mine would be just right. I include too many distracting elements, however yours takes a little to much off of the tree for my taste. Thanks for the input and time!

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