The Vatican at Night/ Rome Italy


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 7, 2011
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I think this is my best work. Yes i know there are mistakes

CC welcome :)


Here is my Daytime Version

Wow...I do like these, very very much....I don't know how you pulled this off...where are all the people and all the jumbotrons and all the other distractions?
Wow...I do like these, very very much....I don't know how you pulled this off...where are all the people and all the jumbotrons and all the other distractions?

Clone STamp Tool
Having been at the Vatican, that I am sure was alot of work. A lot. Results are faboo!!! Congrats, you should be very, very happy.
Wow, beautiful! Though I do like the nighttime version better, the daytime one looks a bit overcooked. Fantastic shots!
I have a few issues with these

Blown highlights on the building. What is up with the statues on the roof? Like you've painted something around them?

I prefer #2, but there's a big halo around the building that I don't like. And that white line that suddenly stops seems weird.

I wish I had that place to photograph. Is it possible for a reshoot?

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