The Wall Revisited


Master of Non Sequitur
Jan 29, 2006
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Not where I thought I'd end up
The recent posts from the DC Meetup and a couple about the Vietnam Memorial got me interested in digging these out and sharing...


The Wall
I like the way the wall almost looks transparent here.


Brothers In Arms
The detail in this bronze sculpture is awesome. Photographs can't
do it justice.


Love Remembered
This bench is at the entrance walkway to the Wall and this shot was taken
around 6AM. I assume these roses were left the night before.

Thanks for looking...

Love the toning here!!
Thanks for replying... I didn't adjust tones any - just the way the came out - must have been the early morning light... I don't think I even had a polarizer mounted.
Wow, those are really awesome. And I like the titles you have for the shots. Thanks for sharing.
These are fantastic shots, it looks like very early morning because I don't see many people. If it were afternoon or evening the people would be all in your shots. The first shot is so sad, but caught and photoed with respect. And I love the lone roses left behind on the bench..
Nice series Dave.
I love this series, your captions provided an excellent explanation! I really liked the first one and the last one...very respectful and sad...
These are excellent D Dave. All three are right on.

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