This Grinds my Gears!


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jul 28, 2013
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Can others edit my Photos
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Finally got around to taking a proper shot of my gear this evening after getting into photography as a freelancer. It's been just about 10 months in-fact.

Now that I laid it out all in front of me, i know what i'm missing.

Next on the list:

- Nikon D800
- Nikkon 70-200 f/2.8

As of now, here's all i've collected!

DSC_00502 by Hiten Nainaney, on Flickr
I'm not sure how this landed in the professional gallery, but i clearly remember posting this in the Photography Equipment & Products forum.[h=1]Mods, can you please relocate this to the correct address, thanks & sorry![/h]
Aren't there rules against posting porn here? Although, it is some great pr0n indeed!!!
I want to see what you can do with that Baby Brownie -- everything else there is just a yawn.

I want to see what you can do with that Baby Brownie -- everything else there is just a yawn.


Yeah i'm looking forward to toying with that. Found it amongst my grandfathers belongings last year after his death. Havent been able to get it working though, sources to repair classic/old cameras are extremely limited in Dubai. A lot of camera stores don't even know what a brownie is.

Will look at posting a thread on here to get more details.


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