This looks like fun!


Chief Free Electron Relocator
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Mar 8, 2011
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Got this oldie-but-goodie in the mail today:


Now to figure out where the memory card goes. :lol:
If i remember right.. you open the memory card slot by sliding back the little lock button under the knob on the right (in your picture)... then pulling up on the knob (on the right in your picture).

However, i do think it pre-dates Compact Flash so it probably uses something weird like PCMCIA cards or (*gasp*) Memory Stick Duo's.. Good luck finding a card reader that will work with one of those!!
Look at that little windy handle! I can almost catch a whiff of that smell you got when popping open a new film container. Ahhh....happy days.
If i remember right.. you open the memory card slot by sliding back the little lock button under the knob on the right (in your picture)... then pulling up on the knob (on the right in your picture). ........

That's the ticket! My old Pentax stuff didn't have that 'safety' feature.... you could just pull up on the rewind knob!


Looks like the previous owner didn't take all his cards out! :lmao:

Now to figure out if those cards are black & white or color.... I don't want to cross-process anything.
If i remember right.. you open the memory card slot by sliding back the little lock button under the knob on the right (in your picture)... then pulling up on the knob (on the right in your picture). ........

That's the ticket! My old Pentax stuff didn't have that 'safety' feature.... you could just pull up on the rewind knob!


Looks like the previous owner didn't take all his cards out! :lmao:

Now to figure out if those cards are black & white or color.... I don't want to cross-process anything.

That dates the camera, 2GB cards...Sheesh what a relic.
After a quick test of the shutter, there's some issues with some of the speeds. It's a hair over-exposing at 1 sec through 1/60, but only about 10%.

1/125 is closer to 1/30.

1/250 and 1/500 are close enough.

Above that, it's all over the place, but 1/1000, 1/2000 and 1/4000 aren't even close. They're more like 1/60 to 1/500.

Maybe with a bit of 'exercise' they'll settle down. I'll spend some time tonight just clicking away and check them again tomorrow.
That's the ticket! My old Pentax stuff didn't have that 'safety' feature.... you could just pull up on the rewind knob!

I'd be more impressed if it WAS a Pentax K1000... Now thats a camera! :)
That's the ticket! My old Pentax stuff didn't have that 'safety' feature.... you could just pull up on the rewind knob!

I'd be more impressed if it WAS a Pentax K1000... Now thats a camera! :)

I started out with a K1000 and moved up to an MX and ME Super.

The local camera store has 2 or 3 K1000s for sale, but I decided to get this so I could use my existing lenses.
this looks a lot like the film camera im wanting to sell.
Well, the first roll of film has been run through it. Just took a stroll out through the back yard and beyond. Get it developed, and I'll see how it works.
Well, the first roll of film has been run through it. Just took a stroll out through the back yard and beyond. Get it developed, and I'll see how it works.

Ooo! I hope you love what you get out of it! :thumbup:

Got this oldie-but-goodie in the mail today:

[h=1]Oldies But Happies[/h]
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Ooo! I hope you love what you get out of it! :thumbup:

I don't expect any keepers. I just want to test the mechanics of the camera, as well as the seals.
Well, the first roll is somewhat of a success! The camera functions, but tends to overexpose. I'm looking into having the shutter fixed.

In the meantime, here's four from yesterday:




I need to break my FM2 back out. Money has been tight with this baby girl coming on the 16th. What's your flash sync speed? Mines 1/250.
Looks to be in great shape. Sweet piece of gear.

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