This old house series 56k


TPF Noob!
Apr 25, 2006
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North East UK
Just 10 mins away stands this old house, it was last lived in sometime in the 60's. It has it's own orchard out the back with some amazing views on all sides....A real shame!
The daytime shots are from my third attempt at this, with the sunset being my day I'll get it right.









The corragated roof was added by the farmer who once used it for the only visitor are the occasional sheep.
Tips on a better shot appreciated.
I think you've done a good job capturing this place already.... of the daytime ones i prefer the first.... and the sunset ones i prefer the second to last, i not sure what else you could try to be honest, the compostions are good and the light is effective..... i'd be satisfied with these :thumbup:
well captured. i really like the first shot for the sky, but I also like those boulders in the hillside too. The trees are awesome too. I would just keep experimenting with different angles and focal lengths. What you have is so good already, you might have a tough time improving on them. Some closer detail shots of that stonework might be nice too. I like the idea on #4, but you might watch the framing and prevent the branches from interfering with the line of the house... it's so close, but it just overlaps a touch on the upper corners. i like the dramatic sky in the first sunset shot, but it may be too dramatic and the house is really dark so it puts the focus on the sky, not the house. the second sunset shot is much better in that regard... i love the greens on that one and the first two in this terrific series... :thumbup:
Holy cow KenCo. I really really like these. Excellent series.
Very nice series KenCo, very nice. I agree with Arch (1st and next to last). Great minds thinking alike??? I like the distance in the 5th shot and the idea of the trees framing the house but as JTH said, the branches overlap the structure. Can you go back and shoot more of this place?
the first shot is my favorite....nice clouds. great composition and color. Love it. Wouldn't change a thing
Thanks guy's appreciate your comments.The building is about 150 years old and has been empty since about the 1940's not the 60's. Like I say the building is only a short walk away (but quicker if I take the car:wink:) So no problem going back, if you have any suggestions DestinDave. Thanks JTH i'll remeber about the framing on that shot if I go back again and certainly for future refence on any other I do like that...good tip!
Thanks again.
looks like a unique fixer-upper oppertunity:lmao:
very nice! For some reason I am reminded of Ireland when I see these photos, which is always a good thing!
Love the look/mood of this abandoned stone structure, and I think you did an awesome job capturing it.
i think the 2nd last one would be perfect if it wasnt for that dark cloud

like s pics man

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