This seems like a good read.


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jul 31, 2020
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Central North Carolina USA
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Is this the same thing....?

Can't read cause I do not have a NYT account.
Yeah, don't have a NYT account either, but I'm interested in getting a look at the book. Maybe tell my local library to order it to check out.
CNN article works well. Interesting setup. I see three flashes and maybe a continuous for focusing? The camera has the bellows, extension tubes and a microscope (possibly) objective. Computer controlled rail for stepping images, to be stacked. It looks like packing foam for the diffused light. Laptop monitor is interesting.

I was trying with a Styrofoam cup, but now that I see this I might find this soft foam and see how it works.

So far, I've tried and I'll just call it a failure. I'd have to slow down and get things sorted out.

Early - EARLY first attempts. Arduno controls the rail. Camera should be directly to the microscope objective, no lens. Lighting is complicated and critical. Blob of aluminum is a bad subject.


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